“Numbers Aficionado”
If you want to talk numbers, talk to Dana.
From early childhood, Dana has been intrigued by numbers. As a CFP® certificant, Dana analyzes client risk management, asset allocation, and estate planning needs to help identify opportunities and advise on steps to meet financial goals. She also manages our portfolio trading platform to ensure all client portfolios are properly balanced for risk, tax efficiency and income generation.
During her first decade at Mariaca Wealth, she was impressed with the firm’s dedication to leveraging new technology for our clients’ benefit.
“I like that we’re 100% transparent and that we can offer everything our clients need. The firm is constantly updating our technology in ways that simplify things for our clients. Whether it’s new financial planning software, performance reporting software, or electronic filing and signing, we’re on it.”
What does Dana do at Mariaca Wealth?
A big part of what Dana loves about her job is educating clients. Dana goes out of her way to provide explanations and walk clients through everything they need to do. She also works with Sergio to evaluate clients outside investments and clear up any messy financial obligations. She wants clients to know exactly how much money they’re spending on investments, especially if they signed on for those investments prior to working with a fee-only fiduciary.
Why did Dana select the financial services industry?
As a lifetime student of finance, Dana has a passion for helping our clients work towards a sound retirement. Too often, we see people work hard their entire lives, only to be stuck living in low-budget retirement homes. She’s dedicated to making sure that doesn’t happen to any of our clients. She enjoys quality time with her husband and two boys, Parker and Jack. They are a family with a love for all sports, but most especially, fishing!
What’s Dana like at home?
She enjoys quality time with her husband and their two boys, Parker and Jack. They are a family with a love for all sports, but most especially, fishing!